Governing Board
The Governing Board thanks you for visiting HUSD's website. We hope you spend some time reviewing the information presented by the District's various departments. Governing Board-related documents as of April 2022 are now stored with BoardDocs, you may access this information by visiting this website: BoardDocs
The Governing Board meetings will be held on the Pronghorn Ridge Middle School campus, 6411 North Robert Road in Prescott Valley in the Ridge View Training Room, Transportation building 500. You are invited to attend in person or via live stream. Meetings are generally held on the third Thursday of each month, starting at 5:30 p.m.
Board meetings are held for the purpose of setting or amending District policies, acting on recommendations by the Superintendent on matters ranging from personnel to maintenance of facilities, adopting an operating budget and tax rate for the District and authorizing the spending of budgeted funds. From input by Board members, an agenda is prepared by the Board President and Superintendent before each meeting. All votes are recorded and minutes are kept on permanent record. Because Board members actively seek the advice and counsel of District residents, citizens are encouraged to regularly attend Board meetings.
Meeting Locations
Regular and Special meetings of the Governing Board are open to the public. Regular meetings are generally held the Third Thursday of each month at 5:30 pm at:
Pronghorn Ridge Middle School
6411 N Robert Road, Transportation Building 500
Prescott Valley, Arizona 86314
Regular Meetings
A meeting held in public that follows the normal schedule.
Special Meetings
A meeting held in public that is added to the regular schedule for a specific purpose.
Study Session
A meeting held in public for the purpose of studying one or more specified issues in depth. A highly structured exchange of ideas, suggestions, and concerns. No action is taken.
Executive Session
A meeting held for discussion of confidential matters which may include personnel, legal items, student appeals, disciplinary matters, and others as outlined in Arizona Revised Statutes 38-431.03. Executive Sessions are closed to the public. All action on items discussed in executive sessions, with the exception of student appeals and student disciplinary action, are taken during the Regular or Special meetings which are open to the public.
Agendas, Minutes, Agenda Packets
Board agendas are available from the District Office at least twenty-four hours in advance of the meeting. Governing Board Notices, Agendas, and Agenda Packets are available at BoardDocs.
Standard Agenda Format
- Meeting Opening
- Agenda Review/Accept
- Current Events
- Celebrating Successes
- Public Participation
- Consent
- Discussion Items
- Action Items
- Announcements
- Adjournment
Meeting Protocol
The Governing Board works for the students, parents, and community members of the District, and community input is always welcome. Citizens may speak during the public participation time set aside for that purpose. This is the time to make views known about specified item(s) on the Agenda or of public interest.
- Complete the Public Participation Request form located by the entrance of the meeting room.
- Submit to the Executive Assistant of the Board at least five (5) minutes prior to the start of the meeting.
- If written testimony or a handout is submitted, presenters are asked to supply ten copies to the Executive Assistant of the Board.
- The Board President will recognize your request to speak to an item during the Public Participation section of the agenda.
- Speakers are asked to give their name and the organization being represented, if any.
- Individuals are encouraged to be brief, with a maximum time limit of five (5) minutes; Groups representing a consistent viewpoint are encouraged to select one spokesperson to address the Board.
- Arizona law prevents Board Members from discussing or acting on items not on the agenda.
How To Get Items On The Agenda
- Submit your request in writing to the Superintendent or Board President thirty (30) days prior to the Regular Board Meeting.
- State the topic and provide a brief rationale in the written request.
- You will be notified whether your request will or will not be placed on a future agenda.
Send Written Requests To:
HUSD District Office
6901 Panther Path
Prescott Valley, AZ 86314