Emergency First Aid
Emergency first aid can be given by the nurse or a member of the school staff. If a student is seriously injured and needs medical attention, the parent is contacted and so advised. When the parent cannot be located, the school will exercise its legal option to act in the place of the parent and secure emergency treatment. If the parent cannot be reached and the student needs immediate attention the paramedics will be called. Should your child require transport or treatment by ambulance, parents/guardians are responsible for all costs.
When students become ill at school, they are sent to the Nurse’s Office. If it is necessary for students to leave school, the parent will be contacted. The student is kept in the Nurse’s Office until the parent or guardian arrives or where adult supervision can be provided.
No student may walk home ill. Parents are urged to keep a child home when they suspect illness.
By instituting treatment at once, long illnesses may be prevented.