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HUSD Textbook Adoptions


The Board will approve and adopt all new textbooks and supplementary books.  The Superintendent shall establish textbook selection procedures that shall provide for the appropriate involvement of staff members, students, and community members. These procedures may provide for the establishment of textbook selection committees. Recommendations from textbook selection committees will be forwarded to the Superintendent.

Textbooks and supplementary books for common schools recommended by textbook selection committees will be placed on display in the District office for a period of at least sixty (60) days prior to the meeting at which the Board will consider their adoption.

Textbooks for high schools recommended by textbook selection committees will be placed on display in the District office for a period of at least sixty (60) days prior to the meeting at which the Board will consider their adoption.  Information related to high school textbooks, which are proposed for approval, shall be placed on the District website.

For more information about this policy please visit:


Click the link below to view Humboldt Unified School District's Department of Educational Services and Federal Programs Adopted Textbook List